Track Courier

All in One Package Tracking

USPS Courier Tracking – USPS Tracking www.USPS.Com

USPS Courier Tracking

The United States Postal Service, (USPS) is also known as post office U.S. Mail, or Postal Service is considered to be an independent agency serving people living in the United States of America. This is perhaps the main sources for the postal services taking place within the state. The USPS is the basic operator of one of the largest civilian vehicle fleet all over the world.

How to Track USPS Tracking – Track USPS Parcel, Shipment or Package: Steps To Track Your Package

  1. Below you can track directly with your USPS tracking number 
  2. Past your USPS Tracking Number in the input box
  3. Then click on check status option.
  4. Once the package has been shipped you will find the complete history along with the status information of your package.
Track Your Parcel, Package or Shipment - Supports 470+ Couriers Across The World

Tracking Number Format

Generally, USPS tracking number consists of 20 digits divided into five sections for example 1254 2548 2563 8565 6369 or it could be even a combination of 13 alphabets and numerical characters that generally starts with two alphabets followed by 9 digits and ends with "US". For example EA 123 456 789 US. There also exist some other formats which consist of 10 digits as well.
Category Format No. of digits
USPS Tracking 9400 1000 0000 0000 0000 00 22
Priority Mail 9205 5000 0000 0000 0000 00 22
Certified Mail 9407 3000 0000 0000 0000 00 22
Collect on Delivery 9303 3000 0000 0000 0000 00 22
Global Express Guaranteed 82 000 000 00 10
Priority Mail Express International EC 000 000 000 US 13
Priority Mail Express 9270 1000 0000 0000 0000 00 22
Priority Mail International CP 000 000 000 US 13
Registered Mail 9208 8000 0000 0000 0000 00 22
Signature Confirmation 9202 1000 0000 0000 0000 00 22

USPS Courier Tracking Status

Once you provide the tracking number and click on track option it will provide you the information regarding your shipment. You will be provided with the status update which is available as soon as the shipper provides an update regarding its delivery.


USPS Tracking Locations - USPS ZIP Codes

USPS Locations USPS Tracking zip code
Alaska 99501 – 99950
Alabama 35004 – 36925
Arkansas 71601-72959
Arizona 85001-86556
Austin 78745-78769
Boston 02169-02269
Brooklyn 11201-11425
California 90001-96162
Charlotte 28269-28299
Chicago 60629-60691
Cincinnati 45211-45280
Colorado 80001-81658
Connecticut 06001-06928
District of Columbia 20001-56999
Delaware 19701-19980
Denver 80219-80250
Florida 32003 -34997
Federated States of Micronesia 96941-96944
Georgia 30002-39901
Guam 96910-96931
Hawaii 96701-96898
Houston 77036-77296
Iowa 50001-52809
Idaho 83201-83877
Illinois 60001-62999
Indiana 46001-47997
Kansas 66002-67954
Kentucky 40003-42788
Las Vegas 11201-11425
Long Beach 90755-90806
London 40741 -40745
Louisiana 70001-71497
Massachusetts 01001-05544
Manhattan 10463-10282
Maryland 20588-21930
Maine 03901-04992
Marshall Islands 96960
Miami 33125-33299
Michigan 48001-49971
Milwaukee 53215-53244
Minnesota 55001-56763
Missouri 63001-65899
Mississippi 38601-39776
Montana 59001-59937
Nashville 37201-37244
Northern Mariana Islands 96950-96951
North Carolina 27006-28909
North Dakota 58001-58856
Nebraska 68001-69367
New Hampshire 03031-03897
New Jersey 07001-08989
New Mexico 87001-88439
Nevada 88901-89883
New York 00501-14925
Ohio 43001-45999
Oklahoma 73001-73079
Oregon 97001-97920
Orlando 02169-02269
Pennsylvania 15001-19640
Pittsburgh 15213-15274
Puerto Rico 00601-00988
Palau 96939
Phoenix 85032-85082
Rhode Island 02801-02940
Salt Lake City 84116-84171
South Carolina 29001-29945
South Dakota 57001-57799
Tampa Zip 33647-33694
Tennessee 37010-38589
Texas 73301-88595
Utah 84001-84791
Virgini 20101-24658
Virgin Islands 00801-00850
Vermont 05001-05907
Washington 98001-99403
Wisconsin 53001-54990
West Virginia 24701-26886
Wyoming 82001-83414

USPS tracking phone number

In order to know about your shipment, you can very easily track it by using the phone number. So in order to know the additional information on your shipment you can call 1-800-222-1811. This is perhaps the tracking number available for all the individuals.
Contact the Customer Care Center 877-569-6614
Entry Information (800) 238-3150
Parcel Select Ground Performance (877) 264-9693


  • The  Best option for small packages.
  • Comparatively reliable than any other courier tracking service.
  • Delivers to mailboxes as well as PO boxes.


  • Tracking is not up to the mark.
  • Put customer service.


The privacy policies reading that the information practices when you provide information through any source. The personal information can be your email address, personal phone number, all other details. The company never requires any registration or provides personal information to visit the website. It also includes,
  • Security features as well as service provided controls
  • Your choice and preference
  • Includes privacy act rights
  • Online protection Especially for children and so on.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions for your use of Delivery Instructions that will enable you to electronically request regarding some type of United States Postal Service package that is left at the address of delivery without you being permitted to access the package authorized in order to released or delivery. You are given facility to redirect your package to a different location with additional charges applicable depending upon the area.s

Unable to Track / Not Found / Web Error

If you are unable to track or find an error such as not found or web error then you can directly contact the customer care representatives. They will clearly give you an explanation regarding the issue you are facing and will try to resolve it as soon as possible.
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